How to Sell Your Gemini 4 Crew Signed Launch Photo

The NASA Gemini Program took place between 1965 – 1966 and was an important stepping stone between the Mercury and Apollo missions that focused on docking a spacecraft, spacewalks and longer duration flights. The ten crewed missions, Gemini III to Gemini XII, were crucial to deeper space exploration that made landing on the moon possible….

Gemini Autograph Photo Signed by 11 Gemini Astronauts Sells for $6,250 at NateDSanders

To auction, sell or consign a Gemini autograph from one of the Gemini astronauts, please email [email protected] or call Nate D. Sanders at (310) 440-2982. Gemini Autograph A Gemini autograph of one of the Gemini astronauts is worth over $750 if the Gemini autograph is from Neil Armstrong or Gus Grissom.  The living Gemini astronaut autographs are only worth…