Thomas Hart Benton Painting Sells for $20,900 at Auctions
FREE APPRAISAL. To buy, consign or sell a Thomas Hart Benton painting, please see, call the Nate D. Sanders Auction House office at (310) 440-2982 or email [email protected].
Thomas Hart Benton Painting
A Thomas Hart Benton painting can sell for millions of dollars. We, at Auctions, had a modest oil painting that sold for just over $20,000. Here it is:
Thomas Hart Benton Oil Painting on Paper — “Construction Workers” — Circa 1923
Thomas Hart Benton oil painting entitled “Construction Workers”. 9″ x 6.75″ oil on paper, circa 1923. Benton, a leader of the regionalist movement, was a muralist, social critic and teacher of other artists, including Jackson Pollock. His subject matter honored everyday American life, often ordinary people, such as these workers, in the throes of hard work. Provenance: William Neuse, New York (acquired directly from the artist). Sold for $20,900.
FREE APPRAISAL. To buy, consign or sell a Thomas Hart Benton painting, please see, call (310) 440-2982 or email [email protected].
Please let us know if you have a painting by Thomas Hart Benton for sale. Top dollar obtained for your Thomas Hart Benton Painting.