Samuel Johnston Autograph Letter Signed Auctions for $7,151 at
To auction, authenticate, buy, consign or sell a Samuel Johnston autograph or a Samuel Johnston autograph letter signed, please see, contact [email protected] or call (310) 440-2982.
Samuel Johnston Autograph
Samuel Johnston was a little known North Carolina governor and represented them at the Continental Congress. However, a Samuel Johnston autograph letter signed with Revolutionary War content can go for a lot and they hardly come onto the market. We at Auctions, happen to had one a few years ago and bidding was in a frenzy. Here is the description, picture and price realized:
Samuel Johnston Revolutionary War Autograph Letter Signed
Samuel Johnston autograph letter signed with exceptional Revolutionary War content. Datelined “Saturday Night Esopus, Oct. 18th 1777,” Johnston writes in part: “Dear Boy…Directly upon you leaving the Camp the alarm guns were fired, and Fort Montgomery taken. I heartily Console with you for so great a loss, as it is. It has them loose up the River, they have burned Esopus – and gone up the River burning everything they can lay their hands on. But I have had the pleasure to Congratulate you on the good & agreeable news, of Gen. Burgoyne and his army falling into the hands of General Gates – who I supposed march’d from Ticonderoga with near or more than 8 Thousand of Briton’s Choicest Troops and in the Course of 8 weeks fell prisoners to the Conquering Arms of America. I suppose we shall march for Albany tomorrow or next day without the Enemy that is playing up and down the River shall go York. – I am sleepy, S. Johnston.” Note written vertically to left side of letter reads in full, “The person that was taken carrying that letter from Clinton to Burgoyne was hanged in this place this day.” Letter measures approximately 8.5″ x 12″. An absolutely extraordinary example of the enemy’s wrath during the Revolution in excellent condition. Sold for $7,151.
To auction, authenticate, buy, consign or sell a Samuel Johnston autograph or a Samuel Johnston autograph letter signed, please see, contact [email protected] or call (310) 440-2982.