P.G.T. Beauregard Autograph Letter Signed Makes for $12,500 at Nate D. Sanders Auctions
To buy, consign or sell a P.G.T. Beauregard autograph, please email Nate at [email protected] or phone (310) 440-2982. Thank you.
P.G.T. Beauregard Autograph
Up until I wrote this blog, I hadn’t realized how P.G.T. Beauregard autograph letter signed examples I have sold, but as you can see, quite a few, all with great content. But, none more exceptional, than the first letter below, which sold for $12,500:
Civil War Confederate General P.G.T. Beauregard autograph manuscript signed, leaving his Army of the Potomac, the first established Army of the Confederacy whom Beauregard — the Confederacy’s first Brigadier General — led at First Bull Run. Having been transferred to the Army of the Tennessee, Beauregard writes from “Head Quarters 1st Corps A of P Near Centreville” on 30 January 1862: “…You are now undergoing the severest trial of a soldier’s life…My faith in your patriotism, your devotion and determination, and in your high soldierly qualities is so great, that I shall rest assured you will pass through the ordeal resolutely…Still, I cannot quit you without…deep anxiety, in the moment of our country’s trials and dangers…[T]his is no time for the army of the Potomac – the men of Manassas – to stack their arms and quit…To the army of Shenandoah, I desire to return my thanks for their assistance, last July, their timely, decisive arrival…Those…not so fortunate as yet to have been with us in conflict with our enemy, I leave with all confidence that on occasion they will show themselves fit comrades for the men of Manassas, Bull Run, and Ball’s Bluff…” G.T. Beauregard / Gen’l Com’dg”. 2pp. measures 8″ x 12.5″. Foxing, toning minor separation at folds and paper loss to corners. One of the best P.G.T. Beauregard autograph items one could hope to own. Very good condition. Sold for $12,500.

Historically important letter signed by Confederate General Gustave Beauregard, who writes to Confederate President Jefferson Davis on 21 May 1864, the very next day after securing the Howlett Line in the last battle of the Bermuda Hundred Campaign. Beauregard seeks to capitalize on his victory and strategizes here on how to secure the James River in order to prevent the Union forces from moving forward. Sent from ”Hancock’s House” at ”Headquarters near Chester, Va”, Beauregard writes, ”…I shall do all in my power, with my limited means, to hold in check the Enemy in my front, who has nearly double my present force, and, if possible, I will compel him to evacuate his present strong position. I succeeded yesterday, after a severe struggle, in obtaining the shortest defensive [Howlett] line in front of his works, which extend from the James River to the Appomattox. This line is about three miles long, and when properly fortified, will enable me, with a small force, (say about 10,000 men) to hold in check, and neutralize the force of at least 25,000 men, which the Enemy is now reported to have on the Peninsula of Bermuda Hundreds. To drive him from his present position, the best plan would then be to send a force of about 4 or 5,000 men to storm Fort Powhatan, and establish there a Battery of heavy guns to command the navigation of the James River at that point – this could be accomplished in a very few days; then, by putting into the River torpedoes and a rope obstruction, under the protection of the guns of the Fort, no Enemy’s repels could pass up or down the River, and he would be compelled to abandon his present position. With regards to reinforcing Gen’l Lee, I shall be most happy to do so, whenever you shall judge proper to order it. The prisoners taken yesterday report no part of Butler’s forces as having been yet sent to reinforce Gen’l Grant – they state on the contrary, that a Brigade of 5 or 6,000 men was received day before yesterday by Gen’l Butler – this is rather doubtful in my opinion; Gen’l Gilmore may have received a few Regiments or parts of Regiments from his former Department – but nothing more. I have ordered a close watch to be kept along the James River…of any reinforcements [Butler] may send to Gen’l Grant. I enclose herewith an approximate statement of the effective forces I now have in front of the Enemy…Infantry – 13,000 / Artillery – 850 / Cavalry – 680 / Total – 14,530…[signed] G.T. Beauregard / Gen’l Comdg”. Nice P.G.T. Beauregard autograph. 3pp. on card-style stationery measures 8” x 10”. Notations to verso. Partial separation to fold lines at right edge, else near fine. Sold for $3,438.

General Beauregard June 1864 Autograph Letter Signed With Additional AES — ”…co-operate with Genl. Lee in any manner…towards the crushing of the foe in his front…”
General Gustave Beauregard autograph letter signed, dated 3 June 1864, with riveting content on holding back the Union forces from taking Petersburg, the battle which would begin less than a week after this letter. Written from ”Head Quarters in the Field near Chester Va”, Beauregard writes to General Braxton Bragg in Richmond VA, ”…That there may not be…any possible misapprehension of the part I was called upon to act in the momentous events which are transpiring, and which I cannot but watch with the most intense interest and solicitude, I send you herewith copies of the telegrams [not present] which have been exchanged between General Lee & myself…You may not doubt of my readiness and anxiety to co-operate with Genl. Lee in any manner that may be deemed most conducive towards the crushing of the foe in his front. I shall be found willing and ready at all times to obey any orders the War Department may judge fit and proper to give…but I cannot under existing circumstances advise the withdrawal of more troops from this vicinity…Already 13,000 out of 20,000 infantry have been sent to the North side of the James River since the battle of Drewry’s Bluff, and with the forces remaining, unless taken temporarily and for an immediate encounter with the enemy, it might become impossible to prevent the latter from destroying the communications between Richmond & Petersburg, nay, from capturing Petersburg, which could not be retaken without great great [sic] sacrifice of life. If Rasmussen’s Brigade, numbering over one third of the present available force…were withdrawn…it would become necessary to abandon our lives in front of Bermuda Hundreds neck, to assume a strategic position at Port Walthall Junction, from there to protect…Petersburg, the Ironclad gunboats guarding the crossing of James River as far below Chaffin’s Bluff is practicable. If Johnson’s Division was ordered to the North side of James River, it would then be necessary to occupy the junction with at least one brigade of infantry, assisted by such cavalry, (at least 2 regiments) as might be shared from General Benning’s Brigade, or other cavalry in the field, to watch closely in front of the enemy ‘s lines across Bermuda Hundred’s neck, and give timely notice of any offensive expeditions from the quarter…G.T. Beauregard / General”. On 9 June, Beauregard’s fears were confirmed when Grant struck Petersburg; Beauregard moved south to the city, and with initially only 14,000 men — compared to Grant’s 50,000, defended the city until the end of the war. Additional autograph endorsement on page four reads, ”To be copied in letter book & returned / G.T.B.” Letter itself is Beauregard’s handwritten retained copy. Dark P.G.T. Beauregard autograph. Two page card style letter measures 8” x 12.5”. Light toning and separation to folds, else near fine. Sold for $3,000.

Confederate General P.G.T. Beauregard Civil War Dated Document Signed Three Times — Chronicling His Major War Efforts
Pierre G.T. Beauregard document signed three times, undated. Incredibly comprehensive document details Beauregard’s military highlights, titled “Dates of Important events in the late War relating to Genl. Beauregard’s operations.” Beginning on 23 February 1861, when “Genl B. left New Orleans for Montgomery, Ala., seat of the Confederate Govt.”, list chronologically details his advancements and ends on 15 May 1865 when he, “Arrived in New Orleans about the middle of May, where he remained only one or two days-going thence to his father in law, Mr. Vellere’s plantation, where his daughter Laura and his two sons…were living.” Beauregard approves the details by signing and initialing three times, with “G.T.B” initialed near the following statement, “The precise dates of these operations are not recollected.” He again initials the same way and signs the end of document in full, “G.T. Beauregard” next to the word “Appoved”. “Important” also appears in the margins next to seminal events. Docketed, “Dates of Important Events by G.T.B.” 12pp. document measures 7.75″ x 12.5″ with some toning along folds, else very good. Interesting P.G.T. Beauregard autograph. Sold for $2,983.

Fantastic letter by Confederate General Gustave Beauregard to President Jefferson Davis, regarding Beauregard’s planned assault on General Butler’s forces at Drewry’s Bluff. The offensive, strategically executed by Beauregard to take advantage of Union delays, caused Butler to retreat from this advance upon Richmond. Letter is a retained copy, endorsed by Beauregard in pencil on the verso, ”Copy in Book & return it to me – G.T.B.” Dated 15 May 1864, letter reads: ”…Upon further inquiry as to the shortest and safest route (via Newby’s bridge) by which Major General Whiting could travel with his small force to this point, it was found he would require two days to reach here, the distance being at least 34 miles, with roads in a bad condition owing to the prevailing rains – In a telegram of this morning he expresses his fears of an immediate attack upon him by the enemy. At the same time Captain Davidson, of the Navy, informed me that a large fleet of Gun Boats and Transports of the enemy are about four miles below Chaffin’s Bluff; probably to reinforce Butler and make a combined attack by land and water. Under these circumstances and in view of the fact that the enemy is diligently employed in erecting batteries and rifle pits around this place, further delay might be fatal to success and I have determined to attack the enemy [crossed out and replaced with] him at day break tomorrow morning with the forces at present available here, increased by Barton’s Brigade, as authorized by you. I have ordered Major General Ransom [crossed out and replaced with] Whiting to cooperate with all his forces by attacking the enemy in rear from Swift Creek – a copy of my instructions to him and of my order of battle will be forwarded as soon as practicable to the War Department…I hope, under the protection of a Kind Providence that our efforts tomorrow will be successful…” Letter measures 8” x 10”. Separation along fold lines, else near fine. Sold for $1,220.

To buy, consign or sell a P.G.T. Beauregard autograph, please email Nate at [email protected] or phone (310) 440-2982. Thank you.