Oscar Berninghaus Painting Sells for $9,350 at NateDSanders.com Auctions
FREE VALUATION. To auction, buy or sell a Oscar Berninghaus painting in our Oscar Berninghaus painting auction, please contact NateDSanders.com at (310) 440-2982 or [email protected].
Oscar Berninghaus Painting
An Oscar Berninghaus artwork can sell for hundreds of thousands of dollars, but we had a modest 9″ x 12″ oil on board of the Rocky Mountains that sold for just under $10,000. More and more, Oscar Berninghaus is getting more in demand. Here is the description and picture of the one that we sold:
Oscar Berninghaus oil on board landscape
Framed Oscar Berninghaus oil on board landscape, circa late 1800’s. Painted by the Taos Society of Artists founder, Berninghaus captures a lush morning landscape of Western Rocky Mountains and towering birch trees in his semi-Impressionistic style. The St. Louis, MO native excelled at drawing animals and figures in Southwestern landscapes. Painting, measuring 9″ x 12″, in excellent condition. Sold for $9,350.
FREE VALUATION. To auction, buy or sell a Oscar Berninghaus painting in our Oscar Berninghaus painting auction, please contact NateDSanders.com at (310) 440-2982 or [email protected].
Please let us know if you have a painting by Oscar Berninghaus that is for sale.