A Mahatma Gandhi Autograph Sells for a Ton of Rupees!
To buy, sell or consign a Mahatma Gandhi autograph or a Mahatma Gandhi autograph letter signed, please email [email protected] or call Nate D. Sanders at (310) 440-2982. Thank you.
One of the most sought after autographs is the Mahatma Gandhi autograph. Whether it is a signed book, letter with interesting content or some other autograph, at auction, bidding will be through the roof. Here are some Mahatma Gandhi autograph items that we have sold with their prices realized:
Fantastic, Unpublished 1920 Letter with Mahatma Gandhi Autograph — “…You may depend upon my making a ceaseless effort to promote peace with honour and to avoid violence under all circumstances…”
Letter with Mahatma Gandhi autograph dated 24 February 1920 from the Sabarmati Ashram. It deals directly with satyagraha, Gandhi’s doctrine of nonviolence methods of resistance, and the relationship between the British and India. The satyagraha non-cooperation movement led by Gandhi encouraged Indians to resist British occupation using nonviolent means, such as refusing to buy British goods. It went hand in hand with swaraj, the growing movement for Indian self rule. This letter, to Edmund Candler, the Director of Publicity for the Punjab, follows a particularly brutal massacre by the British that took place in Punjab in April 1919. Two page letter reads in part: “…You may depend upon my making a ceaseless effort to promote peace with honour and to avoid violence under all circumstances. But my doctrine of non-violence is making slow headway because of the rude conduct of Englishmen generally towards Indian passengers on the trains and the Mahomedan distrust (not wholly unjustified) of the good faith of England in the matter of Turkey…I have been asking Englishmen to find a Christian as distinguished from a gunpowder solution…” In September 1920, only months after Gandhi wrote this letter, Swaraj would be accepted by the Indian National Congress. Letter is signed in black ink: “M.K. Gandhi (Mahatma Gandhi autograph)”. Moderate toning and wear, overall in very good condition. An important and rare unpublished signed letter by the man who inspired all non-violent movements of the 20th century. Significant Mahatma Gandhi autograph letter. Sold for $24,686.

Mahatma Gandhi Autograph on a Typed Letter — From Yeravda Central Prison in 1933 — “…No cause that is backed by truth is ever lost…”
Exceptional Mahatma Gandhi autograph on a typed letter dated 28 January 1933 from Yeravda Central Prison, shortly before Gandhi began his well-known 21 day fast to protest the condition of the untouchables. Gandhi writes to Sjt. R. Kaimal at High Court Vakil, in full: “I have your letter. I can only vaguely gather what you are driving at. I wish you will adopt a simple style to express simple ideas and give up all metaphor and ornamentation. / Remember the following: — / 1. No cause that is backed by truth is ever lost. / 2. Legislation is required now and will always be required to remove legal obstruction. / 3. Both Hotels and Vilasams are bad; both pander to the palate. / 4. One can be a glutton on vegetarian food and strictly temperate on flesh food which he does not consider forbidden food. / 5. Virtue lies in abstaining from visiting public eating houses altogether, and even in one’s home, partaking of food as medicine, just enough to sustain the body and never to please the palate. / 6. Don’t mix up the loose life of modern times with a very big movement for religious reform…”. Signed in brown ink: “MK Gandhi (Mahatma Gandhi autograph)” above a stamp reading “Superintendent / Yeravda Central Prison”. Single page letter is framed with a portrait photo and name plate to a size of 17.5″ x 32″. Red pencil mark in the left margin and minor foxing, Overall in very good condition. A rare piece with outstanding content. Important Mahatma Gandhi autograph letter. Sold for $20,402.

Mahatma Gandhi Signed Copy of His Autobiography ”Mahatma Gandhi – His Own Story” — Very Rare — With COA From University Archives
Mahatma Gandhi autograph in a copy of ”Mahatma Gandhi – His Own Story”, published by George Allen & Unwin Ltd.: London: 1930. Mahatma Gandhi autograph, ”MK Gandhi” to the front free endpaper. Book runs 350pp., clothed in navy blue boards. Also signed by Gandhi’s editor and close friend C.F. Andrews to the front free endpaper, and by a second person in pencil. Staining to boards, foxing to signature page and mouse holes to lower right of pages. Also writing on rear pastedown. Overall in good condition. With COA from University Archives. The Mahatma Gandhi autograph hammered down for a lot. Sold for $11,075.

Mahatma Gandhi autograph in book: Young India. First edition, first printing. Madras, S. E.: S. Ganesan, 1922.
Hardcover, 5.25 x 7.5, 1197 pages. Mahatma Gandhi autograph on the half-title page, “With love, M. K. Gandhi 19-9-31.” Also signed on the inside front cover by his son Devadas Gandhi, his secretaries Mahadev Gandhi and Pyarelel Nayar, as well as his disciple Mirabehn. The same day, Gandhi gave a special and strictly private reception to a group of youngsters at Kingsley Hall. Grown-ups were excluded with the exception of one or two helpers. The three Round Table Conferences of 1930-32, organized by the British government following the Simon Commission, met so much resistance they did not even complete their report. Demands for swaraj, or self-rule, in India had been growing increasingly strong. By the 1930s, many British politicians believed that India needed to move towards dominion status. While in London for the Second Round Table Conference on India, Gandhi stayed at Kingsley Hall, a community center in East London founded by Muriel Lester, a close friend of this book’s previous owner, Ben Platten. This is the first collected edition of Gandhi’s articles on non-violent resistance previously published in his weekly newspaper of the same name. Covers worn at edges, some mild cracking and sunning to the slightly loose spine, red ink stain to end of pages, an early ownership signature, and soiling to first free end page and cover interiors, and mild handling wear, otherwise very good condition. Gandhi’s writing is crisp and the signed page is quite presentable. Nice Mahatma Gandhi autograph. Pre-certified PSA/DNA COA. Sold for $7,500.

To buy, sell or consign a Mahatma Gandhi autograph or a Mahatma Gandhi autograph letter signed, please email [email protected] or call Nate D. Sanders at (310) 440-2982. Thank you.