Led Zeppelin Autographs
FREE APPRAISAL. If you are looking to auction, buy, consign or sell a Led Zeppelin autograph, please email [email protected] or call Nate D. Sanders Auctions (http://www.NateDSanders.com) at (310) 440-2982. Top dollar obtained for your Led Zeppelin autograph.
Led Zeppelin Autographs
The British rock band, Led Zeppelin, was formed in London in 1968. The group comprised of singer Robert Plant, guitarist Jimmy Page, bassist and keyboardist John Paul Jones, and drummer John Bonham. Incredibly successful, Led Zeppelin is one of the best-selling bands in history, with an estimated 200-300 million units of record sales worldwide.
Led Zeppelin autographs are a valuable collector’s item. A Led Zeppelin III signed album has sold at auction for over $18,000. Led Zeppelin are said to have been as influential in the 1970s as the Beatles were in the 1960s. We sold a John Lennon autograph signed letter to a fan in 1968 for $17,365, in which he advocates meditation.
Some additional prices realized for similar autographs to Led Zeppelin’s include this George Harrison personal, hand-annotated booklet on spiritual regeneration, which we sold for $8,908.

George Harrison writes his very personal thoughts on spirituality to fellow Beatle Ringo Starr in this booklet entitled, ”Fourteen Scientific Reasons Why No One Dies” published by Swami Omkarananda, Divine Light Zentrum, Switzerland. The Beatles traveled to India together in 1968 to study transcendental meditation with the Maharishi, an experience which had a profound influence on both their music and personal lives. Harrison especially embraced Hinduism, evident in this one-of-a-kind booklet, expressing his thoughts on spirituality and the guidance it gave him post-Beatles. On the title page, he encircles the title, writes, ”Ringo” and draws a six pointed star. Then he writes, ”to help us not feel too bad – as we continue dropping apart”. On the inside front cover, the former Beatle writes, ”From G.H. / New Years Eve/Day A.D. 1974 / Titenhurst [sic] Pk”. Tittenhurst Park, originally owned by John Lennon, was sold to Ringo Starr in 1973. Harrison also writes ”274 Dwapara” and a symbol for Hinduism. A 2” x 2.25” photo of Harrison at the keyboard is affixed to the verso of the title page. He writes, ”I was in the greatest show on Earth” surrounded by musical notes and followed by the words ”death” and ”rebirth”. Harrison writes a list of ages beginning with, ”and now I’m only 32” and ending with, ”only now I’m 37”. ”33” — Ringo’s age in 1973 — is crossed off. In the margin, Harrison writes, ”is there life after birth? / see page 23” where he has underlined ”for the more highly evolved man, death bursts the narrow circle within which material life has imprisoned a consciousness.” Underlinings occur throughout the 43pp. booklet containing writings of scientists and philosophers as well as those of the swami. Harrison annotates verses from the New Testament on page 7 with this comment: ”Neither are you the slayer nor are you slain (Bgvd Gita)”. On page 38, Harrison adds an asterisk and ”Knots in the string” after a quote about immortality. He draws a sun and musical notes on page 43 above a sentence that he alters to read, ”When the Sun sets ‘in the sky’ do you say, it is dead, and all is over?” On this last page of text, he again draws the symbol of Hinduism. The booklet is profusely filled with Harrison’s intimate thoughts on eastern spirituality, giving fascinating insight into his music and his affection for his former band mate. Moderate dampstaining, soiling and partial separation at staple binding to 4” x 5” paperback booklet, overall very good condition. With a COA by Roger Epperson.
FREE APPRAISAL. If you are looking to auction, buy, consign or sell a Led Zeppelin autograph, please email [email protected] or call Nate D. Sanders Auctions (http://www.NateDSanders.com) at (310) 440-2982. Top dollar achieved for your Led Zeppelin autograph.
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