King Henry VIII Handwritten Document
FREE APPRAISAL. To auction, buy, consign or sell a King Henry VIII handwritten document, please email Nate at [email protected] or call the Nate D. Sanders Auction House ( at (310) 440-2982.
Henry VIII @ Nate D Sanders
Nate D Sanders has had incredible success selling handwritten documents signed by the ruthless monarch, King Henry VIII. In the past three years, we’ve sold three of the autographed documents, worth a total of $130,000. This April, we’re looking forward to furthering that success, as we offer a “near fine” handwritten document signed “Henry R” datelined Oxford, 25 October circa 1510 – 1514.
King Henry assumed the throne on the 21st of April, 1509, so this handwritten document was written soon after he became king. He was the second Tudor king, most famous, perhaps, for his 6 wives and ruthless behavior.
The text of this current document reads:
”Trusty and wellbeloved, we grete you well. We wolle and commande you for certeyne consideracions we specially making that ye delyver unto Richard Gresham of our Citie of London, merchant, or to his assignes fyftene hundred poundes of our next loone money that shall come to your hands for the term of foure yeres after the delyvrance taking of hym or his assignes sufficient surities to be bounde by obligacion for repayment of the said fyftene hundred poundes. And this warrant shalbe youre discharge at alle tymes. Given under oure signet at Oxford the xxv day of October.”
The minimum bid for this autographed, handwritten document is $35,000. In August, 2012, we sold a King Henry autograph for $40,954. Previously, we sold a King Henry VIII signed document for $49,374. In 2011, another King Henry VIII autograph was sold.
Actively Seeking Autograph Consignments
If you have an autograph you are considering for consignment, contact Nate D Sanders today. We have seen millions and millions of dollars in realized prices over the years, have an unblemished reputation for quality and we will professionally describe, research and photograph your autograph free of charge. We’ve been in business long enough to know what works, and pride ourselves on offering the best terms in the business. You name your reserve, which ensures that you are in full control of the process.
FREE APPRAISAL. To auction, buy, consign or sell a King Henry VIII handwritten document, please email Nate at [email protected] or call the Nate D. Sanders Auction House ( at (310) 440-2982.
Please let us know if you have a King Henry VIII handwritten document for sale. Nate D. Sanders Auctions offers the following services for a King Henry VIII handwritten document:
- Appraise King Henry VIII handwritten documents
- Auction King Henry VIII handwritten documents
- Consign King Henry handwritten documents
- Sell King Henry VIII handwritten documents