A Hillary Clinton Autograph Price Guide by NateDSanders.com Auction House
To buy, consign or sell a Hillary Clinton autograph or a Hillary Clinton autograph letter signed, please email Nate at [email protected] or phone (310) 440-2982. Thank you.
Hillary Clinton Autograph
We at NateDSanders.com Auction House, have sold 3 Hillary Clinton autograph letters signed even though one was by Bill Clinton and countersigned with a Hillary Clinton autograph and a Chelsea Clinton autograph. They were all to Robert McNamara and came from his estate. We also sold one Hillary Clinton autograph in one her books. So, this should serve as a Hillary Clinton autograph price guide from pre-election 2016. Below are descriptions, pictures and prices:
Very rare autograph letter signed by Bill Clinton as President, dated 29 August (1993). Upon White House letterhead, Clinton writes, ”Dear Bob – I can’t thank you and your family enough for opening your homes to us. We never needed a vacation more or enjoyed one more — I hope you’ll return the favor by coming and staying with us at the White House. Thanks again / Bill”. Hillary adds, ”and We hope to see you soon — Hillary”. Chelsea also signs her name, ”Chelsea Clinton” at the bottom. Letter comes from a larger lot of Robert McNamara items and was thus identified. Though Bill writes the date of ”8-29”, the year ”’93” is written in pencil in another hand, possibly by McNamara. Single page letter measures 6.75” x 8.75”. Single fold, else near fine. Autograph letters signed by Bill Clinton as President are quite scarce. Also, a rare Hillary Clinton autograph on White House stationery as First Lady. Sold for $3,125.

Hillary Clinton autograph letter signed as First Lady. She writes to Robert McNamara on a stationery card embossed with the image of the White House and her full name, Hillary Rodham Clinton. Dated 23 July 1996, her letter reads in full: ”Dear Bob, I just received your kind note of June 26 and it is still timely and welcome advice from Mrs. Roosevelt. You also reminded me how much I valued the advice Jackie Kennedy gave me in my few wonderful times with her. You were fortunate indeed to have her as a friend, and I thank you for sharing your memory of her with me. Given the latest flap over my ‘imaginary conversations’ with Mrs. R, I’ll be sure to pass on your greetings the next time we talk! Best wishes – Hillary”. Runs 2pp. on a single card, measuring 6” x 4”. Fine. Acquired from the Robert McNamara estate. Sold for $832.
Hillary Clinton autograph letter signed on her personal ”Hillary Rodham Clinton” stationery. Dated 13 September 1992, her message to Robert McNamara reads in full: ”Dear Secretary McNamara, Thank you for your note enclosing a copy of your moving column in Newsweek. Let us hope and pray the country will pay heed. I hope we have another chance to meet. Best regards, Hillary.” 1pp. measures 5.5” x 4.25”. Fine. Sold for $385.

Hillary Clinton Autograph in Her Book: ”It Takes a Village”
Hillary Clinton autograph in a copy of her book ”It Takes a Village”, with a large autograph upon the front fly-leaf, ”Hillary Rodham Clinton” in blue fountain pen. Simon & Schuster: New York: 1996. 318pp. book is in near fine condition, as is its dustjacket. Measures 5.5” x 7.75”. Overall, a beautiful copy of the First Lady’s book. Sold for $173.

To buy, consign or sell a Hillary Clinton autograph or a Hillary Clinton autograph letter signed, please email Nate at [email protected] or phone (310) 440-2982. Thank you.