English Civil War Act Broadside Sells for $5,459 at NateDSanders.com Auctions
FREE APPRAISAL. To auction, buy, consign or sell an English Civil War Act broadside or document, please email Nate at [email protected] or phone the Nate D. Sanders Auction House (http://www.NateDSanders.com) at (310) 440-2982. Thank you.
English Civil War Act
An original English Civil War act broadside or document is very rare and very pricey. We at NateDSanders.com Auctions were fortunate to have one English Civil War act broadside at auction and it sold in the thousands of dollars. Here is the description, picture and price realized:
Radical 1648 English Civil War Act Abolishing Monarchy in England & Ordering the Death of Charles I — “…Charles Stuart late King of England…is hereby declared to be justly condemned, adjudged to die and put to death, for many treasons, murders, and other hainous offences committed by him…” — Scarce
Historically significant and original from 1648, a English Civil War act broadside announcing the English Act to abolish the King of England, written by the newly established Commonwealth parliament. Dated 19 March 1648, the English Civil War act was officially passed in 1649 immediately after Charles I’s regicide, which occurred amidst Pride’s Purge, the violent coup d’etat in which the Army violently removed any dissenters from the House, including Charles I, who was executed in January of 1649. Act marks the beginning steps toward the Interregnum period in England, a period of a military and parliamentary control under Oliver Cromwell that lasted until 1660 when Charles II was eventually reinstated. The Act establishes the Commonwealth of England with unchecked executive and legislative power, in order to create legal basis of the Republic after Charles I’s execution. Though Charles II was proclaimed king by the Scots after Charles I beheading, this Act was passed immediately to prevent proclamation of a successor. Act is written in a terrifying tone of restitution and reads in full: “An Act For Abolishing the Kingly Office in England, Ireland, and the Dominions thereunto belonging. Whereas Charles Stuart late King of England, Ireland, and the Territories and Dominions thereunto belonging, hath by authority decided from Parliament, been, and is hereby declared to be justly condemned, adjudged to die and put to death, for many treasons, murders, and other hainous offences committed by him, by which Judgement be [good] and is hereby declared to be attained of high Treason, whereby his Issue and Posterity, & all others pretending Title under him, are become incapable of the laid Crowns, & of being King and Queen of the laid Kingdom of Dominions, or either or any of them: Be it therefore Enacted and Ordained, and it is Enacted, Ordained and Declared by the present Parliament, and by authority thereof, That all the people of England and Ireland, and the Dominions and Territories thereunto belonging, of what degree or condition [foeber], are discharged of a realty, homage and Allegiance which is [of] shall be pretended to be due unto any of the Issue and Posterity of the laid late King, or any claiming under him; and that Charles Stuart eldest son, and James called Duke of York, second son, and all other the Issue and Posterity of him the laid late King, and all and every person and persons pretending Title from, by or under him, are and be disabled to hold or enjoy the laid Crown of England and Ireland, and other the Dominions thereunto belonging, or any of them; or to have the Name, Title, Stile or Dignity of King or Queen of England and Ireland, Prince of Wales, or any of them; or to have and enjoy the power and Dominion of the laid Kingdoms and Dominions, or any of them, or the honors, Manors, Lands, Tenements, Possessions and hereditaments belonging to or appertaining to the laid Crown of England and Ireland, and other Dominions aforesaid, or to any of them; or to the Principality of Wales, Dutchy of Lacaster or Cornwal, or any or either of them, Any Law, Statute, Ordinance, [Usage] or Custom to the contrary hereof in any wife notwithstanding: And whereas it is and hath been found by experience, that the Office of a King in this Nation and Ireland, and to have the power thereof in any single person, is unnecessary, but burdensome and Dangerous to the liberty, safety and publique interest of the people, and that for the most part, use hath been made of the Regal power and prerogative, to oppress, improperly and enslave the subject; and that usually and naturally any one person in such power, makes it his interest to encroach upon the just freedom and liberty of the people, and to promote the fessing up of their own will and power above the Laws, that so they might enable [there] Kingdoms to their own [Lust]: Be it therefore enacted and ordained by this present Parliament, and by Authority of the same, That the Office of a King in this Nation, shall not henceforth recide in, or be exercised by any one single person; and that no one person whatsoever, shall or may have, or hold the Office, Stile, Dignity, Power or Authority of King of the laid Kingdoms and Dominions, or any of them, or of the Prince of Wales, any law, statute, usage or custom to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithstanding. And it is hereby Enacted, that if any person or persons that endeavor to attempt by force of arms or other [wife], or be aiding, assisting, comforting or batting, unto any person or persons & shall by any ways or means whatsoever, endeavor or attempt the reviving or getting up again of any pretended Right of the laid Charles, eldest son to the laid late King, James called Duke of York, or of any other office the Issue & Posterity of & laid late King, or of any person or persons claiming to be under him or them, to the laid Regal Office, Stile, Dignity or Authority, or to be Prince of Wales, or the promoting of any one person whatsoever, to the Name, Stile, Dignity, Power, Prerogative or Authority, of King of England and Ireland, and dominions aforesaid, or any of them; that every such offence shall be deemed and abjudged high Treason, and the offenses therein, their councilors, procurers, aiders & abettors, being convicted of the laid Offence, or any of them, shall be deemed and adjudged Traytors against the Parliament and people of England, and shall suffer, lose and forfeit, and have such [life] and the same pains, forfeitures, judgements and execution, as is used in case of high Treason: and whereas by the abolition of the kingly Office provided for this Act, a most happy way is made for this Nation (if God see it good) to return to its just & ancient right, of being governed by its own Representatives on National meetings in Councel, from tim to time chosen & entrusted for that purpose by the people, it is therefore Resolved and Declared by the Commons assembled in Parliament, That they will put a period to the fitting of this present Parliament, and dissolve the same so soon as may possibly stand with the safety of the people that have betrusted them, and with what is absolutely necessary for the [preterbing] and upholding the Government now [settled] in the way of a Commonwealth; and that they will carefully provide for the certain [choosing], meeting and fitting of the next and future Representatives, with such other circumstances of freedom in choice & equality in distribution of Members to be elected thereunto, as shall most conduce to the lasting freedom and good of this Commonwealth: And it is hereby further Enacted and Declared, not withstanding any thing contained in this Act, no person or persons of what condition and quality foeber, within the Commonwealth of England and Ireland, Dominion of Wales, the Hands of Guernfey and Jerfey, and Town of Berwick upon Tweed, shall be discharged from the obedience and subjection which he and they owe to the Government of this Nation, as it is now Declared, but all and every of them shall in all things render and perform the fame, as of right is due unto the supreme authority hereby declared to reside in this and the successive Representatives of the people of this Nation, and in them only. Ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, that this Act be forthwith printed and published. London, Printed for Edward Hasband, Printer to the Honorable House of Commons. March 19. 1648.” Printed in black letter and roman types, document measures 11.5″ x 19.75″ on two broadsheets which are affixed at center, with a slight vertical crease visible and a 2.75″ split at bottom of crease. Some toning and foxing throughout, else near fine. An important document, among the first to challenge European monarchy at the very earliest stages of the Enlightenment. Sold for $5,459.

FREE APPRAISAL. To auction, buy, consign or sell an English Civil War Act broadside or document, please email Nate at [email protected] or phone the Nate D. Sanders Auction House (http://www.NateDSanders.com) at (310) 440-2982. Thank you.
Please let us know if you have an English Civil War Act broadside or document for sale. Top dollar obtained for English Civil War Act items.
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