Antonio Jacobsen Painting Sells for $13,771 at Auctions
FREE APPRAISAL. To auction, buy or sell a Antonio Jacobsen painting in our Antonio Jacobsen painting auction, please contact at (310) 440-2982 or [email protected].
Antonio Jacobsen Painting
An Antonio Jacobsen painting is very collectible in the maritime and American art market. Examples of Jacobsen’s ships can sell for well into the five figures. We had a modest 36″ x 22″ Antonio Jacobsen painting and it was a beauty, selling well. Here is the description, picture and price realized:
Antonio Jacobsen Painting
Antonio Jacobsen’s oil on canvas, “The Vaderland.” The 1909 maritime painting by Danish-born American artist Antonio Nicolo Gasparo Jacobsen, depicts a realistic steamship in black with red trim, cutting across choppy ocean waves. The tormented sky behind the cruising vessel, depicted in an array of moody blues and greys, swirls with dark clouds as violent and ominous as the icy black & grey ocean waves in the foreground. Jacobsen’s eye for ship detail established him as the premier nautical artist of his day. An American folk art hero born in Copenhagen in 1850, Jacobsen’s works reflect the history of domestic and international ships. A prolific painter and creator of some 6,000 paintings, Jacobsen came from a long line of Danish violin-makers. He left his family in Denmark and arrived in New York in the early 1870’s. Like many immigrants, Jacobsen went to New York City’s Battery Park seeking work, and passed his days sketching ships that sailed in and out of the harbor. A representative from Marvin Safe Company noticed his drawings and offered him a job decorating safes. Jacobsen’s detailed artwork, drenched with his personal passion for nautical subjects, led to commissions from sea captains and ship owners and, inevitably, steamship companies to document their entire fleet. The Old Dominion Line, The Fall River Line and The White Star Line are among the steamship companies that commissioned Jacobsen to paint portraits of their sea vessels. Jacobsen died in Newark, NJ in 1921. Portrait measures 36″ x 22″ (41.5″ x 27.5″ with frame) and shows very light wear along right edge, not noticeable except upon close inspection. A beautiful and foreboding image by one of the most sought-after nautical portraitists in American art. Sold for $13,771.
FREE APPRAISAL. To auction, buy or sell a Antonio Jacobsen painting in our Antonio Jacobsen painting auction, please contact at (310) 440-2982 or [email protected].
Please let us know if you have an Antonio Jacobsen Painting that is for sale. Top dollar obtained for your Antonio Jacobsen Painting.